Monday, January 30, 2012

how to be a motherloving LADY.

the lovely fashionistaDOTCOM wrote a great post of
lady like etiquette for the beastly bitches out there that needs
to be tamed. refresh your day by reading these reminders... i've highlighted
some comments and thoughts through out the list. 

34 Things a Lady Never Does...

  1. A lady doesn't wear clothes that are too revealing: Always remember, 1st class!
  2. A lady doesn't have loud cell phone conversations in public: If you must take a call while you are out, make it short and keep your voice just loud enough for your caller to hear.
  3. A lady never adjusts....anything: If you feel the need to adjust clothing, or what is under them, take a moment to step into the ladies room (after excusing yourself first, of course).
  4. A lady never applies full make-up in public: Re-applying lipstick or lipgloss is OK. Touch-ups are alright, but we should always be doing our best to arrive poised and fabulous. Do you see anyone applying make-up on the red carpet? Not a chance! AGREED! I HATE GIRLS WHO CHECK THEIR  MAKE UP IN PUBLIC! SOOO RUDE AND DISGUSTING! WALK YOUR ASS TO THE BATHROOM!! 
  5. Should never pay the bill while out on a dinner date, if she was asked out unless it was agreed upon to,"go dutch" (seperate bills) prior to the date.  
  6. Never eats off of her date's plate! This is something that is reserved for much, much later into the relationship!
  7. At a dinner party or other social gathering, a lady never gives attention to only one person when there are other people present. (It's rude to ignor others and make them feel un-welcome) A lady, especially when she is the host, will do her best to involve everyone present and make them feel comfortable. This, if nothing else is a sign of your diplomacy.
  8. A lady never forgets to send a "Thank You" note! It seems that so few people do this these days. Whenever you recieve a gift, even from a relative, you should take a moment and send a Thank You note. To make it easy on yourself, keep a supply of Thank You cards and stamps on hand so that you may send your notes out quickly.  i hate how people forget how cards are SO important!! 
  9. A lady never forgets to bring the host a gift when invited to a party. A box of chocolates is an appropriate gift when invited for dinner, to be deposited at the entrance with a gift card. Flowers can be sent either just before the dinner or, even better, the following day
  10. A lady never asks for a tour of a friend's home or other host unless it's a housewarming. Otherwise, a lady should wait for a tour to be offered if the host would like to offer one.
  11. A lady never puts her elbows on the table. Dining at home or dining out, a lady always keeps one hand in her lap and uses her free hand to use her fork or spoon to eat. Of course, it is acceptable to use your other hand when your meal requires the use of a knife, but after you have finished with the knife, it should be laid accross the side of your plate until it is needed again and your free hand should return to your lap.
  12. A lady never boasts or brags about herself or her possesions. You never want to make others feel uncomfortable. However, it is polite to humbly accept a compliment when offered.
  13. A lady never belittles, or puts down others. You never know who you are, in fact, entertaining. A lady should always be polite and respectful in her communications.
  14. A lady never ASKS for gifts. Etiquette would suggest that if a gift were appropriate, those attending your function would understand that they were. In fact, in the past, it wouldn't even be considered proper to have a gift registry. However in more recent times, this has become a common practice.
  15. When dining, a lady never leaves a messy area around her plate. Crumbs should be swept up, droplets of water on the table from your glass should be wiped clean and when finished with your meal, anything that you are not using (a wrapper from your straw etc) should be placed on your plate with a napkin over top. There may be servers and busboys present, but that doesn't mean that your area shouldn't look neat and clean, even after you've finished your meal.
  16. A lady never waits until the last minute to RSVP for a party. Many invitations will come with a "reply by date". It's always in the best taste to reply by that date (if not earlier). Your host needs to make arrangements based on the number of guests she will be having, so, please be kind and reply accordingly.
  17. A lady never goes out in public wearing any of the following: pajama pants or (pajama anything), bedroom slippers, rollers, hair pins or hair scarves. This is just not appropriate. Even if you are just running to the convenience store, you should be clean, neat and presentable. You never know who you will meet, where you will meet them and the impact that they will have upon your life. Remember, you only get one chance to make a first impression! james perse sweats count as pajamas? LOL
  18. A lady never invites herself to someone's party or event. For example, Carmen tells you that Beverly, a mutual friend, is having a party on Friday and that she will be attending. However, for whatever reason, you did not recieve an invitation. It is not appropriate to call Beverly and say "I heard that you are having a party on Friday, is it OK if I come?" Nor is it appropriate for you to ask Carmen to ask Beverly if it is alright for you to come. As much as it may bother you that you have not recieved an invitation, it's just not in good taste to try and invite yourself. You never know, there may be a perfectly good reason.
  19. A lady never asks someone how much they paid for an item...honestly...never. It's perfectly OK to say "I love those shoes! Who carries them?" and then you can go and seek them out on your own, but you never ask someone how much they paid.
  20. As a follow-up to last week's "Never do": A lady never tells someone how much she paid for something after she has recieved a compliment. For example "I love your blouse. That color looks really great on you" You should not reply with "Thanks! I only paid $15.00 on sale at my favorite store!" Instead, graciously accept the compliment.  fuck. i always do this. fml. 
  21. A lady never leaves the house in wrinkled clothing. That's a big no-no. You should always look pressed and polished whenever possible. Furthermore, always make sure that you either fold, hang up or iron your garments after you wash them so that your items will require little work when you need to get ready to go out.
  22. A lady never "Over does" her make-up for the occassion. For instance, wearing big, false lashes, with an evening smokey eye and a bright lip... not the best choice for the office. A lady knows the difference between day and evening looks and wears them accordingly. 
  23. A lady never shows up unannounced. EVER Honestly, it's just plain rude. You never know what that person may be doing. You should always call first and ask if it's OK, otherwise some may feel that you don't have very good manners or that maybe you're just snooping about. Neither is really very good. So remember, always call first. 
  24. A lady never wears her clothing at the wrong time. For instance, you wouldn't pull out your (for argument's sake) mink stole in 60 degree weather simply becuase you thought it was fabulous. Nor would you wear your favorite Summer dress in the middle of Fall only becuase you thought you didn't wear it often enough during the season. There is a time and place for everything. A time for suede and a time for trench coats, a time for wraps and a time for sandals, but  a lady makes sure that she knows the difference. 
  25. A lady never uses foul language. Do we really need to say anymore than that? Even if you are upset, there is always a better way to communicate than to destroy your otherwise ladylike appearance with a foul mouth.  fuck. nuff said.
  26. A lady never waits until the last minute to send out party invitations. If you're having a get together, your invitations should be sent out at least two weeks in advance, but we wouldn't send them out more than a month in advance. You want your guests to have advance notice, but you don't want them to forget about you. 
  27. A lady never drenches herself in perfume. Although by all means, we do encourage you to wear perfume (if you can), it should always be a lovely and lightly lingering fragrance. When you walk by, others should not feel the need to clear their throats. If you aren't sure how much is enough, we suggest applying just a little to areas like your wrist, just a tap at the neck and even behind your knees. 
  28. A lady never goes into debt just to give a gift. Yes, tis the season to be giving, BUT you don't put your bank account into jeopardy simply to keep up appearances. A lady gives a gift that is appropriate and appropriately priced, but always with meaning and thoughtfulness. Those are the gifts that will be most appreciated. 
  29. A lady never gossips! There's catching up with a friend (sharing information about what's going on with you). And then there's gossiping (sharing the information about everyone else's life). If someone has entrusted you with personal information, maintain that trust and friendship. Most importantly remember this: If someone is willing to tell you the details of someone else's life, they're probably telling the details of YOUR life to others as well!  gossiping is my life. what else am i supposed to do with my free time?
  30. A lady never gets drunk or hungover!It may be the season of "merriment" but nothing is worth risking your integrity and reputation. By all means, attend those holiday parties, but please, celebrate responsibly like the lovely Fashionista Ladies that you are. We don't want to see any pics of you on Facebook showing up in poor taste.  ok this is ridiculous. who doesn't want to get drunk and show it on FB?? that was like, my new years resolution! to do it MORE OFTEN! 
  31. A lady never makes promises she can't keep...even to herself. This is fitting for New Year's resoultions. Your word and your ability to keep it (or lack there of) says something about your character and your integrity. If someone asks you to help them out or even if you offer to do something, don't say it or agree to it unless you actually plan to come through. Even with your resolutions. Make logical assesments of what you think you can do and agree to that. If you can do more great! If you take on more than you can handle, you're only setting yourself up for regret and the feeling of unaccomplishment later on. Remember, you're only as good as your word!  fuck ... this too. 
  32. A lady never tells someone how they should dress, unless of course they have asked you for your advice. All too often we find that women (who feel they are the Chief of the Fashion Police) openly try to tell others what is wrong with thier ensemble. That's just rude. If someone asks you for your advice, you can (feel flattered that they admire your style) and offer constructive tips. Be a style icon, not a style diva.  this is true. no advice unless asked for. no comments unless asked for. 
  33. A lady is never ungracious or acts "entitled". Basically, if someone gives you a gift, you should always seem appreciative and offer them a "Thank You" (even if you don't like what they gave you) You knew it had to be a little harder than that right? You shouldn't tell them that you don't like it, or ask them to take it back and give you something else. Know the saying "It's the thought that counts"? Apply that here. You CAN re-gift the item, but you  have to make sure it's to someone they would never have known. Being a Fashionista isn't about being a brat. It's the total package.   SO true!! do YOUR part. thats all that matters
  34. A lady never leaves the house with spots on her clothes. We understand this can sometimes be hard becuase - what if you got that spot while you were out at lunch? In this case, you should always have some emergency wipes on hand. Even Clorox wipes will work wonders. (Did you know there's no bleach in them? They're safe for all colors) This will keep you looking presentable and make washing that garment that much easier! Presentation, presentatioin, presentation. 

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