Thursday, January 26, 2012


i got fancy and did a 
before and after picture of my smoothie yesterday.

again.. this was my dinner on wednesday night.
but i was getting some hunger pains so i also
had 2 boiled eggs, no yolk. a couple
handfuls of popcorn and apples with cottage cheese.
i can tell my body is happy to be getting
rid of all the heavy holiday fats
and working out is surprisingly not
that bad...
i have a lot of energy and feel light during the work out.
maybe this cleanse was the best for me so i can
start working out regularly in february.

okay enough of my food/detox talk.

last week, rye and i went to coles to have a few drinks
and hangout. i can tell he really is my best friend 
bc we can literally go to a local bar, have a few
and then walk back home having
the best time. i mean, it could be anywhere and 
we really enjoy each other's company. sometimes, we don't really
talk much but it actually makes me feel closer to him.
coles is a block from the loft, so we walk there with parker or
grab a drink. they make amazing drinks (all the bartenders
are mixologists and are so talented) so we grabbed two old fashioned
and talked all night. i wore these shoes i got at santee once with joeanne.
SO ghetto. i think i got them for less than 20 bucks. 
they were cute on, and look really cute in the pictures. let me tell you, 
as someone who loves shoes.. these are shit.
they are way to light for such tall heels and you can just FEEL the
cheapness. i wore them for shits and giggles but.. gah. i have mixed feelings about
shoes that are THIS poorly made and are so cheap. 
i'm wearing my hole-y gap sweater and j brand jeggings with them..
and baby parker is modeling as well. 

an old fashioned please.
make it two

happy almost friday

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