i haven't posted since monday.. tuesday i was SUPER sick
with indigestion and wednesday i was so busy catching up from tuesday's absence.
last night, i made a veggie /chicken soup with rice. i wish i took pictures
but i didn't... :( i was too focused on on making it and eating it because i was so hungry/ sick. anyway it was a good experience. definitely want to try
and make it again during the rainy season!
didn't eat any of the chicken though... ;)
today i'm wearing my new wrangler vest
i got at the pcc flea market last week.
its awesome and got it for 15 bucks.
here's my instagram picture of it!!

it's super comfy and i can't wait to wear the shit out of it.
my whole outfit is pretty fall worthy as we're going straight
to dinner tonight cause its javis birsday. javi is jane's bff
and he's pretty awesome in general. one of those generally liked people.
really really nice. :) got him a barbie card and
stuck a lot of hello kitty stickers all over it. (OF COURSE.)
anyway in this pic, i'm wearing Jbrand cigarette jeans, my wranger vintage vest,
UO flannel (that i can't get rid of after like 4 years
... i should really stop getting attached to my clothes)
and a 291 printed shirt. 291 was a brand that
michael stars' son started i think.. it was ridiculously
overpriced but i'm sure i got it for free
when i was working at picket fences or something
because i would never pay 90 for a stupid shirt like this. or would i?
teheh. i'm also wearing the dolce vitas that i love so much. holla!
thanks jane for taking a bad pic first.. teheheh
she's pretty much my photographer for all my outfit needs. TEEHHEE <3
(if you couldnt notice, its always in our office next to the filing cabinets bahah)
CLASSY, i know.

happy almost friday!!