mondays always bum me out. anyway, i didn't post yesterday (sunday) due to the fact that i didn't have access to a computer and i was extremely busy all day. and by busy, i kind of mean lazy ...but not really.
yesterday rye and i went to ikea to return and exchange a dresser we had purchased last week... when we had opened it, there were scratches and dents on the side of the wood so we took it back. ... we thought we'd be fine returning the fine piece of shit back to its swedish homeland with its receipt (due to previous experiences where they happily exchanged or returned our crap without any complaint) but when we got there they denied us with full force. it was then i saw rye go mad apeshit on the manager who was a condescending little bitch. i wanted ask her how her 14$/hour bullshit "manager" status was doing for her 14 children she had at home only because i decided to be extremely mean and racist against her. i then quickly released my bad thoughts as when i tend to get nasty, i get NASTY. i can extremely fucking mean so i decided to laugh it off and watch ryan curse and stomp his feet. we ultimately got denied so rye decided to buy the same exact dresser,change the damaged pieces for the good ones and then return it to the same bitch who denied us. ultimately our evil plan worked and it was then i realized that my boyfriend is exactly like me, but i might be meaner and shadier LOL.
we then had bbq at javie's house with my older sister where we bonded about fake stupid girls and hot rappers on the VMAS.
this is my post for sunday as i will post again later tonight for todays rant.
regards! and fuck you monday!